

Potage Soup of Tomato and PaprikaRecipe

Potage Soup of Tomato and Paprika recipe by TESCOM


Ingredients (for 800~900ml)

1- 500g tomato
2- 240g red paprika
3- 15g ginger
4- 2 tablespoons EXV olive oil
5- 2 teaspoons honey
6- Chicken bouillon soup
  1 tablespoon chicken bouillon, granule type
  2 tablespoons hot water

cumin powder, as needed
Italian parsley, as needed
olive oil, as needed
fresh cream, as needed

*Amount is net weight, without skin or seeds.
*Be careful about food allergies.
*Make sure to use ingredients that have cooled down to at least below 40℃.



Hull tomato and paprika, and cut the vegetables into 3 cm square.
Slice ginger thinly.
Pour hot water to chicken bouillon.

Put the ingredients into the blender container in order of number, set the timer to 60 minutes, and push the VACUUM FRESH button.

-For hot soup
Pour [Step2] into heatproof plates, warm them in a microwave oven for about 2 minutes/600W (for two plates).
Top them off with cumin powder, olive oil and Italian parsley as you like.

-For cold soup
Pour [Step2] into glasses, and garnish them with fresh cream if you like.

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